


Erbari del Matese Dal territorio alla fibra. Itinerari di ricerca e sperimentazione (ri)generativa
Co-author. Care of Margherita Labbe and Angela Vinciguerra. Published by Scritture – Promoted by Brera Academy of Fine Art, Milan Italy and Naples Academy of Fine Art.


Force Fields: Rome & Contemporary Printmaking
Edited by Sarah Linford and Devin Kovach
Co-published by: Temple University Press (Philadelphia) and Palombi Editori (Rome)
“..Force Fields: Rome & Contemporary Printmaking is both a sourcebook on the capital role that Rome has played in the history of printmaking and a state-of-the-field of contemporary practices.”



Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
Hand papermaking Portfolio 13, “In between” – Edition 125.
Essay by curator Frida Baranek.

COLOPHON Quadrimestrale di libri d’artista, n. 52
“Riflessioni di un Mastro Cartaio” di Roberto Mannino. (pag. 27)
Has produced a variable edition of 100 abaca and linen handmade paper outer covers for the magazine.


Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
Paper Dreams of Four Artists: Roberto Mannino, Angela Occhipinti, Stefano Pizzi, and Roberto Stelluti.” Abstract from Angela Occhipinti’s article, Winter 2016 (from page 31)

Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
“On Luigi Mecella: Italian Inventor and Papermaker”  by Roberto Mannino. Winter 2016 (from page 42)

Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
Industrial/medieval: A Conversation with Lorenzo Santoni” by Roberto Mannino. Summer 2016 (from page 20)

Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
Abstract from Buzz Spector’s article “Posit(ion)ing: A Look at Negative Space” Summer 2016 (page 41)


Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
“Streams: A Visual Diary”  by Roberto Mannino.
Summer 2015 (from page 8)


Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
Hand papermaking Portfolio : “Negative Space: Picturing the Void”

IAPMA Bulletin Ego
Exhibitions: “Roberto Mannino: Streams”. Article by Antonella Renzitti. (page 11)



Catalog printed in occasion of the 9th annual Day of Contemporary Art, October 5, 2013, opening to the public the permanent installation of Streams, Sala Dante, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, Palazzo Poli, Rome. Curator Antonella Renzitti. Text by Antonella Renzitti, Raffaele Gavarro, Maddalena Ragni, Maria Grazia Belisario, Maria Antonella Fusco.
DVD by Ariel Genovese.


Authentic Visual Voices, Contemporary Paper and Encaustic.
In the studio of Roberto Mannino, interview by Catherine Nash.

Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
“Hand Papermakers Find Inspiration from the Paper Industry
From Jonathan Korejko’s article, Summer 2012 (from page 36)




Handpapermaking Magazine 25° anniversary.
“HPM 25° anniversary”, a publication featuring 25 handmade paper samples from 25 invited artists.

Comieco L’altra faccia del macero” Catalogue 2010.



Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
“Like Shields, Like Shells: The Graphite Reliefs of Roberto Mannino, by Buzz Spector. Winter 2009, from page 34.

Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
“Paper Sample: Polished Pewter” by Roberto Mannino.
Winter 2009, page 37.

IAPMA, Catalog; “Paper Art 173 International Artists”.


“Beater Finesse for the Artist” Abstract from Catherine Nash’s article, Summer 2008, Volume 23, Number 1, from page 15.

Comieco “L’Altra faccia del macero”. Catalogue 2008


Inside Italia Magazine “Alla scoperta della cellulosa” by Alessandra Vitale, page 52.


“Roberto Mannino, Paper Relief” a review of Papermaking Techniques.
Video DVD by Ariel Genovese
Paper Relief – part 1
Paper Relief – part 2

Presented at the XVII Banff IAPMA Congress, Alberta, Canada. This video presentation was a visual itinerary to analyze a number of techniques used to achieve and control relief on handmade paper. Subjects included: woodcut embossing with chine collé, 3D inclusions between multiple couching, nepalese pouring method with inclusions, hot sand relief, making waffle paper, air filled paper, high and low shrinkage pulp control, vacuum table forming.


Comieco “L’Altra faccia del macero”. Catalogue 2004


Handpapermaking Magazine HPM
Handpapermaking Portfolio 6 – “Innovative Printmaking on Handmade Paper”
Abstract from Eric Denker’s article, Winter 2003, Volume 18, Number 2, from page 8.


Barbara Landes, Interviews.

Comieco “L’Altra faccia del macero”. Catalogue 2002.


A variable edition of 200 keepsake folders in handmade paper for the XIII IAPMA Congress in Abbazia di Spineto, Sarteano, Italy, in collaboration with Alta Price.

“Tra le righe del pianeta carta. Appunti per una rilettura” – text by Roberto Mannino. Catalogue curator Stefania Severi. Il Pianeta Carta nel Terzo Millennio. Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari, EUR Roma.


Roberto Mannino Catalogue ‘98